Sitemap - 2017 - Tales under the cat tree
A Canada Day letter to my godchild for her 25th birthday
Jeff - Embrace the diversity, flourish with the country
Joe - Canada, My Home Away from Home
Phil - Watch out for bears; they are cunning
Boris - Give back to this society!
Derek - Get serious about driving innovative entrepreneurialism
Grant - Open Borders and Open Minds
Sarah - Let’s tear up the Indian Act!
Stephen - Pristine and chaos all in one
Niketh - Resist provincialism. Think like a globalist, live like localist.
Sylvia - Change, but don't. Hug a tree.
Rebecca - Let’s fix the education system
Ted - Canada as the Europe of North America
Christo - Visit the world of all your friends and neighbours
Ingrid - We are all stronger together
Ed - Never take freedoms for granted
Keli - My Canada is not unilingual
Katherine - An incredible maritime history
Erwin - “Colonialist amnesia” : The myth of the two founding nations
Daniel - Drive across it before self-driving cars steal that
Sahand - Long term visions require long term commitment
James - My Canada is working as a community
Dave - Watch a John Candy movie, or two
Genevieve - Love the wilderness
Karin - Our newest Canadian citizen
The My Canada Project - we are neither all roses nor all thorns