Christo - Visit the world of all your friends and neighbours
Christo Stassis of Greek descent. Passionate gamer and pizza maker.
The My Canada Project (2017): For the 150th anniversary of Canada, I asked many of my friends, colleagues, and neighbours to describe their Canada and what Canada meant to them. These are their stories.
The first entry of February on the This is my Canada Project goes back to Newfoundland and Labrador. This time, we bring the voice of Christo Stassis of Greek descent. Passionate gamer and pizza maker.
Q. Tell me bit about yourself and your life in Canada? ie. Introduce yourself :)
Hi folks, my name is Christo Stassis a first generation Newfoundlander of Greek descent, also struggling entrepreneur, artist and writer. I try to create games & books and maybe someday I will even sell something! I work part-time on my passions and part-time helping run my family’s business making delicious pizzas.
Q. When you think about being Canadian what does it mean for you?
The first thing that pops into my mind about being Canadian is the multicultural aspect, and with it the ability to think outside the box. I feel like Canada has a distinct approach to the world and its issues because we are all from different places. When I am in Greece, I feel like the world is Greece and that is it. When I am in Canada, the world is the world.
Q. What makes you happy about Canada? Where do you feel the happiest in Canada?
To borrow a bit from my previous answer. I LOVE the different cultures and finding out how similar they are. Growing up in a family restaurant business, I would easily make friends with other people who worked for their families as well. It did not matter if we were Indian, Chinese, Greek, English or Irish backgrounds, we all shared the same pain and joys. I feel the happiest when I am hiking the trails and just traveling through nature in our Canadian wilderness. The fresh crisp air on top of a mountain surrounded by trees and blue skies really makes me feel alive!
Q. What frustrates you about Canada? Where do you not like in Canada?
Not everybody shares the love of cultures. Most from pure ignorance. I find that there is a stigma in Canada against each other’s provinces, sometimes it’s as simple as being left out from the group. A simple example is the local theatre which will promote cross-Canada coast-to-coast showings but leave Newfoundland out of the fun for whatever reason. Promoting within the province while simultaneously leaving us out drives me nuts!
Q. Where would you like Canada to be in 25 years when we celebrate 175?
I would love Canada to be leading the green energy sector. Forget this oil business; it’s so last century. We are at a point in history to really turn a “new leaf” and drive a new energy sector for business and profit — one that will benefit both us and future generations. It is ok to use oil and to be proud of what has been done with it, but it is also good to know when its time to move on.
Q. If you have one piece of advice to give someone being born in Canada today, what would it be?
Travel, travel, travel. As soon as you can, visit the world of all your friends and neighbours. and experience something different. You will grow as a person by leaps and bounds. You should actually learn what it is like to live in a place where you are the minority. Also super important is to travel our own country and province. It wasn’t until I took the opportunity to travel Newfoundland over the course of a couple of weeks that I truly appreciated where I lived.