The old green backpack switcheroo in Changi
Where we discover the popularity of certain Canadian backpack brands and get requests for duty free washing machines
This is a travel journal of our adventures in South East Asia. Trust a bunch of Newfoundlanders to find trouble no matter where they go! You can read the entries as we climb Mt. Kinabalu and explore some parts of Thailand. A month after we left, this entire region was devastated by the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004. We were very lucky to have witnessed life and adventure before that and our hearts go out to everyone in this journal who might have been affected. A gallery of photos from this trip is available on my photos site.
~10pm December 1, 2004 Gate F42 Changi Airport waiting for SQ402 to Colombo
When we last left our hero, all seemed to be going swimmingly well. AirAsia was finally on time, and all his luggage was packed in such a way that all he had to do was stuff the clothes left at Chris and Lisa’s in Singapore and be on his way.
A fast turnaround.
If, however, you have persevered in reading this journal, let us not forget that the gods like to punish—or at the very least “play” with—Dups. Would today be an exception? Let’s pick up the story…
So I came out of Singapore immigration—did I mention they provide sweets while you wait to get your passport stamped? I love Changi Airport—grabbed my luggage, and waited outside for Lisa to finish work. Meanwhile, I phoned my Mum in Sri Lanka and Auntie in Singapore.
Mum wants me to pick up a washing machine at the Colombo International Airport Duty-Free.
Um, yes, a clothes washing machine. I could just imagine myself going through customs…
"Do you have anything to declare?"
"Umm... nothing, two bags, and errr… this large washer…"
"Oh, that’s fine. Is it fully automatic or manual?"
Exactly how was I supposed to fit this monster into the car?
No matter. Mum wants it, Mum gets it!
Finally, Lisa finished work, and I arrived at their place. In a sign of how this day was going, I left this journal in the taxi. Thankfully, the good taxi driver gave it to the gatekeeper, who promptly handed it over to Lisa when she arrived a few minutes later.
Sigh. What is wrong with me?
Quickly, I started packing things into my backpack—the idea was to run to the airport, check it all in, and enjoy the evening without worrying about the hassle.
As I opened the bag, I noticed a package attached to the side. I lifted it out, and to my amazement, it was a Kotex tampon.
The first thought through my mind was: "That rat bastard Chris put it there!"
Then I opened my backpack… and lo and behold, this wasn’t my backpack.
I had been the last to get off the flight and the slowest through immigration. By the time I reached baggage claim, pretty much all that was left was my green MEC backpack and the pack Chris had asked me to take back.
But no. This identical pack belonged to a Carol Wong of West Vancouver!
What were the chances? Really? Two Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) green Brio packs on an AirAsia flight from Phuket to Singapore?
Panicked, I feverishly called Changi Airport and was told to bring the pack into Lost and Found. I also called the phone number on the baggage tag and spoke to Carol’s sister.
I wasn’t about to trust airport baggage handlers—not with six hours left before my flight to Colombo.
But I had nothing to fear.
Carol had realized the mistake as well and had, just moments before I arrived, returned my backpack. Thank goodness! Disaster averted.
I would have liked to meet Carol Wong—what an odd coincidence. Thankfully, it ended well for both of us!
I checked in, called Lisa, and made plans to have supper at Chat Masala, an Indian restaurant, with Lisa and Keli.
Before I close off this journal entry, one more note about Changi Airport and Singapore! LAX has a lot (and I mean a LOT) to learn from Changi.
Every person I met today was friendly, courteous, and eager to help. The facilities were great, the people fantastic, and well—what more can I say? The rest of the world’s airports lag behind Changi.
Anyway, here I sit, on my way to Colombo. Vacation is done—time for weddings and family!
Oh yes... that darned washing machine.